
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Sharing my Learning About the Scientific Method

In Te Ngahere we have been learning about the scientific method. The scientific method is the steps to do in science, The first step is ask a question, step two gather information and observe, step three make a hypothesis(guess the answer),  experiment and test our hypothesis, analyze your test results, modify your hypothesis (if necessary), present a conclusion and Retest (often done by other scientists). This term we have been learning about science and in term three we will be doing a science experiment. When I do a science project in the future I will use the scientific method and my science project would be correct. In my scientific method I think the thing that I did well is I put the steps in the right order. Next time I think I could make my steps in the scientific method tidier and instead of Arrows pointing everywhere.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Greatest Marble Challenge Ever


Kia ora, In Te Ngahere we had a Marble Challenge. We did this to prepare for our science fair and to follow the scientific method. We had to plan what our ramp would look like and what we would use to build it. My group was Mikaira and Amber we made a cardboard ramp with some small blocks that we stuck together. We had to get the marble to 110cm to get five points. I think what we could have done differently was made the instructions say how to put our ramp together or stick the blocks to our ramp. I think we could also make our angle higher so the marble could go further. The thing that I think we did well was that we used a glue gun to stick the cardboard together and that didn’t work so we looked around and every one was using tape so we used tape and that worked. We got eleven points. Our teacher made a measurement ruler and on it was one score, two score, three score, four score and the fifth score was the smallest. We had instructions that the other team had to follow our instruction said put the marble on the scribbles then gently let it go. 

Have you ever done a marble challenge before?